For some reason you have arrived at the homepage of Flavio Masi’s website.

Tic – by Flavio Masi

There are literally millions of websites but this is mine.

Presence 2 – by Flavio Masi

And while it’s certainly not among the most memorable,

all the content on this site is done by me

including the website itself.

To the heart, Ramón – by Flavio Masi

You can see some of my creations starting from here:

Giulia Saudita – by Flavio Masi

Here is some information about myself:

Self-portrait - by Flavio Masi

I hope you will find something that pleases you.

Resistance - by Flavio Masi
Persuasion | illustration by Flavio Masi
Press – Flavio Masi
Out of focus 3 – by Flavio Masi
At the mercy - by Flavio Masi
Urban plan – by Flavio Masi
Star of David – by Flavio Masi
Emptying 3 - digital painting by Flavio Masi
Works About

Recent entries

Tecno stupa – di Flavio MasiTecno stupa – di Flavio Masi


While attempting to give a sense of complexity to parametrically generated 3D models, I ended up with shapes that reminded me of certain stupas.

Carotaggi – di Flavio MasiCarotaggi – di Flavio Masi

Other coring

There’s another section on this site called ‘Coring’. My brain seems to be drawn to these kinds of topics, I don’t know why.

Dorsali – di Flavio MasiDorsali – di Flavio Masi


I appreciate Blender’s volumetric materials, however, the computational demands associated with them often hinder the workflow.

Giorno e notte – di Flavio MasiGiorno e notte – di Flavio Masi

Day and night

It was supposed to be a rough illustration – and in many ways it is – but it took me much longer than expected.

Rampicanti – di Flavio MasiRampicanti – di Flavio Masi

Climbing plants

There are many tools for adding climbing plants to your 3D projects. For this particular image, however, I made do…

F 1 filtro concentrico – di Flavio MasiF 1 filtro concentrico – di Flavio Masi


What is special about the digital effects applied to these images is that they were created with Blender, a well-known open source 3D software.

Altre evoluzioni – di Flavio MasiAltre evoluzioni – di Flavio Masi

Other evolutions

If it were possible to restart evolution – perhaps from the common ancestor of all species – the outcome would be very different.

Specchi – di Flavio MasiSpecchi – di Flavio Masi


Sometimes mirrors impose themselves and, who knows how, force me to dwell on my reflected image.