Circles and other symbols

I do not believe that an explanation is needed regarding the above video.

For the initiated setting, where the conic helix stands, it is based on procedural maps of type noise.

The sound effects were obtained by manipulating virtual synthesizers.

It is common knowledge that the crescent moon is one of the main symbols of Islam, I would say that; perhaps, it is less known that the fish is one of the symbols of Christianity.
Prior to research, I did not know this, regarding the fish, but I cannot deny my ignorance in such matters.

Hidari Mitsudomoe – by Flavio Masi
Triple Tomoe

It seems that Tomoe is an abstract motif typical of the Japanese culture; a triple tomoe encircled (hidari mitsudomoe) would be one of the symbols of Shintoism.
Nevertheless, the triple tomoe has a beautiful shape. Here, I propose a version like a blander blade.

Ankh – by Flavio Masi

The Ankh is an ancient and sacred Egyptian symbol. From what I understood, after being degraded, it is now considered as junk; an inevitable destiny, probably, of all “sacred” symbols.

One could say that everything will eventually be junk, in a certain sense, but the junk of those that aimed at the top has more effect.

Fortunately or unfortunately, once a sacred symbol perishes another one is made.

Yin and yang – by Flavio Masi
Yin and Yang

Yin and yang do not need an introduction. To me, it is less beautiful than the triple tomoe, but one can always make a bear trap. I do not see any other use.

Star of David – by Flavio Masi
Star of David

The Star of David , I learned, is not only “the star of David”. There is a plethora of symbols having the same shape.

After all, as found in Wikipedia, it deals with "an inherently simple geometric construction ".

See also:


A video similar to the one that I here propose could be suitable for children with the aim to explain in a playful manner how a musical track works.

Demo cover – di Flavio Masi

Animation Demo Reel

In this short animation, one imagines that a sort of digital mannequin comes to life and tries to escape the control of its creator.

In the dark - frame 200 | by Flavio Masi

In the dark

A very short sequence of 2D animation. Awfully tiresome procedure and probably not practical in a productive context.

The almighty - by Flavio Masi

The almighty

Let’s assume that the supernatural being, who a lot of people base their existence, on appears incontrovertibly…

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