Global Warming
I would be skeptical about the contribution of greenhouse gas emissions of anthropogenic origin to the phenomenon of climate warming. But I recognize that the scientific community, except for the few dissenters you always have, is overwhelmingly convinced, and so I take note of it.
Scientific findings are not written in stone, so they are not based on pretending to understand the complexity of phenomena. However, we don’t have anything better, or so I believe. I also think that when we discuss topics where science is relevant, we should consider the opinion of the scientific community. For example, you might disagree with using GMOs in agriculture, but you should make the effort to understand why the scientific world welcomes them.
The image was mostly made using Krita with a graphic tablet. I designed two versions of the sky: the first was used as it was; the second, using a 3d program, was reflected on a simple flat surface with a slight bump covered by a reflective material.

See also:

Illustration on what would be good if it remain submerged.

Too Small
The bait sui generis depicted in this illustration attempts to avoid those fish that are too tiny.

To make this illustration, a graphic tablet and the beautiful open source program Krita were used.

In this page I propose a meaningless sequence of illustrations with respect to the sunset.
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