Saudi Giulia
In Italy mass media tend to give a lot of attention to the amazing reforms carried out by the Saudi monarchy. Even the most ridiculous “forms of freedom”, in a country where they easily behead, in Italy this causes a cautious and benevolent interest.
Sometime ago the reform that allowed women to drive even without being accompanied by a man was seen as a scandal. It seemed, and in fact, it still seems that our main sources of information were trying to convince us: “Do you see that they are becoming contemporary? Now we can sell them another billion dollars in arms”
Goes back to that period the rendering that I propose in this page.
Today (23/12/2019) I used instead the most popular search engine typing, the following keywords: “regime iraniano” and “regime saudita”. I believe that the reason for such comparison is obvious.
Google returned the following results:
“regime iraniano” | “regime saudita” | |
67.200 | 17.400 | Risultati complessivi |
131 | 17 | corriere.it |
187 | 16 | repubblica.it |
108 | 7 | limesonline.com |
29 | 20 | espresso.repubblica.it |
165 | 110 | ilgiornale.it |
140 | 48 | lastampa.it |
91 | 53 | ilfattoquotidiano.it |
102 | 8 | ilsole24ore.com |
32 | 3 | quotidiano.net |
81 | 1 | ilrestodelcarlino.it |
20 | 4 | ilmessaggero.it |
71 | 3 | avvenire.it |
63 | 2 | liberoquotidiano.it |
119 | 5 | italiaoggi.it |
47 | 10 | laverita.info |
19 | 5 | ilmattino.it |
3 | 6 | famigliacristiana.it |
13 | 2 | panorama.it |
25 | 1 | adnkronos.com |
57 | 44 | ansa.it |
26 | 6 | agi.it |
58 | 10 | it.wikipedia.org |
2 | 36 | lettera22.it |
95 | 21 | huffingtonpost.it |
589 | 52 | radioradicale.it |
As we can see, in addition to the overall results, I present also other results – always via Google – of some relevant Italian Internet sites.
I do not pretend that such data has any statistical value; however, as someone said, words are important and I cannot exclude that the previous results mean something.
Using English keywords, “iranian regime” and “saudi regime”, I obtained about 1,480,000 and 545,000 results, respectively.
See also:

Silkscreened vehicle
This rendering served as a test for similar images, especially, for commercial vehicles.

Crash Test
Image built by composing some renderings, the editing intervention, however, played a role in the final outcome.

Nevar Enough
If their own security monopolizes every thought, if deep concern is devouring, it remains only the pathetic barbed wire that has wraped us.
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