Archistar | rendering di Flavio Masi


I must admit it, it looks like a clumsy parody. However, I don’t want to be confused with the denigrators of contemporary architecture. I have nothing to share with those who seem to think that stararchitects are members of a criminal association, obviously powerful, committed to ruin urban spaces through their design arrogance.

Some time ago while reading I was struck by the expression “natural geometry”. Apparently natural geometry is being deliberately ignored by bad architects; these terrorists, instead of making invisible buildings, of doing their job unnoticed, wish to express their personality in architecture. The glorious legacy of human culture is being put at risk by these exhibitors.

Certainly the blame on contemporary architecture is the same that falls on contemporary society in general, but it seems to me that there is deeper hate towards architects. It may be because architecture occupies big spaces, who knows…

I am lucky enough to appreciate contemporary architecture and here are some links that I have found in a hurry.
They show images or little more, but for those interested in this topic it will not be hard to find more.

See also:

Senno di poi | illustrazione di Flavio Masi


Illustration of two towers in a parallel universe; stupidities which are nice to consider, sometimes…

eMotions - day version


Rendering on production of renewable energy created for an international design competition.

Presence 2 – by Flavio Masi


Pseudo-architectural perspectives disturbed by a presence.

Planned obsolescence – by Flavio Masi

Planned obsolescence

This rendering depicts a rubbish dump consisting of a cluster of unusual scrap.

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