The gallery that I propose contains a series of homogeneous images; too many, someone might say.Whether it is about anatomy or vegetal digressions, the choice regarding the points of view and the respective effects of light and shade still follow the same criteria.
I do not know whether these images, if considered individually, can have their own sense but, for the moment, I do not mind the entire set (for newbies: by clicking on the thumbnails, the images can be seen in full screen).

See also:

In a story by Oliver Sacks, a young woman finds herself deprived of proprioception; the image created by me is taken from that story.

In the image here presented, I tried to represent this fleeting moment of composure in the midst of a violent Touretter tic.

This image – based on a minimal composition – is marked by an unbridgeable division.

A weak halo shaped light source characterizes this illustration in shades of gray.

This digital schedule based on a layering of levels was created with a graphic tablet and Krita.
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